To help streamline the payment of annual dues we offer payment via PayPal (through your PayPal account or major credit card) to make it easier.
Annual dues are $150 per Cub scout. This pays for the Scouting Amercia / BSA dues of $103 and pack expenses like Adult registraion, badges, and some supplies. You can add on a discounted subscription to "Boys Life" for $15 a year if you want.
Please note that our PayPal account is run through our Chartered Organization "Wallingford Presbyterian Church" to take advantage of their Charity status, get a lower fee structure, and to comply with Scouting Amercia rules so you will see their name on the PayPal account/receipt you get. Rest assured however that the Pack funds are managed independantly by the Pack, in a Pack designated Bank account.
The pack pays the BSA dues using the money we collect here. The BSA does send out due renewal reminders to members - PLEASE IGNORE THESE
For the few families that signed up directly with the BSA online applicant process and paid their first year dues on line - please select the $46.70 option below. This is only for the first year as the Pack manages all the dues going to the BSA.