Pay Annual Dues Here

To help streamline the payment of annual dues we offer payment via PayPal (through your PayPal account or major credit card) to make it easier.


Annual dues are  $150 per Cub scout.  This pays for the Scouting Amercia / BSA dues of $103 and pack expenses like Adult registraion, badges, and some supplies. You can add on a discounted subscription to "Boys Life" for $15 a year if you want.  


Please note that our PayPal account is run through our Chartered Organization "Wallingford Presbyterian Church" to take advantage of their Charity status, get a lower fee structure, and to comply with Scouting Amercia rules so you will see their name on the PayPal account/receipt you get. Rest assured however that the Pack funds are managed independantly by the Pack, in a Pack designated Bank account.


The pack pays the BSA dues using the money we collect here. The BSA does send out due renewal reminders to members - PLEASE IGNORE THESE



For the few families that signed up directly with the BSA online applicant process and paid their first year dues on line - please select the $46.70 option below. This is only for the first year as the Pack manages all the dues going to the BSA.

( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Renew or add a new membership to the Pack (Annual BSA fees cost us $85 per scout)

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© Cub Pack 228