We are always happy to have new members to our Pack at any level. Joining requires an application to be completed and signed.
We have included a downloadable PDF application for your convenience.
You can contact us directly to ask more questions about the pack or you can complete the applicaton and send to Email Us
The essential uniform includes a shirt, neckerchief, and neckerchief slide. Other uniform accessories are available but are NOT required. Uniform is required for most Pack and Den meetings.
The same shirt either short or long sleeve can be worn for all his time in the Pack. However cap, neckerchief, and slide change as your cub scout progresses through each Den
When you first purchase a uniform, be sure to purchase the badges that need to be added to the shirt :Crade Of Liberty Council Patch, Pack numbers 228, and the World Scout Emblem.
As you cub scout progresses in the pack he will earn badges, pins, and other awards. These are provided by the Pack.
Purchase On-Line: SCOUTSTUFF
Purchase at a local scouting store:
We always welcome new adult applicants to help with the running of the Pack, Dens, or Committee. Joining requires an application to be completed and signed.
Here is a downalodable list of requirements and links to help get you started - GETTING STARTED
We have included a downloadable PDF adult application for your convenience. You can contact us directly to ask more questions about what volunteering means or you can complete the appplication and send to Email Us